Centurion Law
A client-driven organization on the cutting edge of business practices by providing outsourced general counsel representation to the Energy industry in the Gulf
Equatorial Guinea and United States Sign Air Transport Agreement
Equatorial Guinea and United States Sign Air Transport Agreement
L&S Abogados
L&S Abogados tiene un carácter marcadamente disciplinar, ya que cuenta con un amplio equipo de profesionales (abogados, asesores fiscales y economistas.), especializados en las distintas ramas del Derecho y de la Economía Empresarial, y posee una extensa red de colaboradores a nivel nacional e internacional, fundamentalmente en el ámbito de la empresa.
Ngomo Asociados
Ngomo Asociados es un equipo de abogados en Guinea Ecuatorial con gran experiencia en el campo de la Asesoría Jurídica a Empresas y Particulares. El bufete opera a nivel nacional a través de sus oficinas en Malabo y Bata (Guinea Ecuatorial).
Agencia Nacional Guinea Ecuatorial Horizonte 2020
Del día 12 al 14 de Noviembre del año 2007, se celebró en la ciudad de Bata (capital de la Región Continental), la Segunda Conferencia Económica Nacional de la República de Guinea Ecuatorial. En su seno se aprobó el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Económico y Social “Guinea Ecuatorial Horizonte 2020” (PNDES).
Guinea Ecuatorial: en el camino de la transformación
Un documental de diez minutos sobre la transformación en curso que tiene lugar en Guinea Ecuatorial.
Marathon Oil Corporation
Marathon Oil Corporation (NYSE: MRO) is an independent international energy company engaged in exploration and production, oil sands mining and integrated gas.
The Oil & Gas Year Equatorial Guinea 2013
The Oil & Gas Year Equatorial Guinea 2013 is a who’s who of the industry leaders and a detailed guide to investment opportunities in an up-and-coming nation where a growing appetite for investment is driving real reform.
The Oil & Gas Year Equatorial Guinea 2012
The Oil & Gas Year Equatorial Guinea 2012 explores the opportunities, issues and challenges faced by the country’s oil and gas community. Offering an array of statistics and maps, as well as articles and interviews with some of the leading figures in the industry, the publication is the most complete and up-to-date guide to Equatorial Guinea’s energy industry.
The Oil & Gas Year Equatorial Guinea 2011
The Oil & Gas Year Equatorial Guinea 2011 is our first book published in West Africa and showcases the long-term, sustainable agenda of the country’s governing leaders. While bringing together statistical, illustrative and historical information, The Oil & Gas Year Equatorial Guinea 2011 focuses on the country’s upstream exploration and production industry and future plans for additional projects, including a second LNG train and a refinery, which will provide all domestic consumption needs.